Sell Snorklean

The risk of infection while using rental dive gear was considered relatively low over the years, however in light of COVID-19 , questions have arisen in the community about disease transmission when using rental equipment. There have been a number of articles recently published related to disinfecting equipment, which has created a heightened awareness and strong demand for hygiene related solutions.

snorklean display box
* One Display Box is included with each purchase order of Snorklean ,
but we will provide additional display boxes to be placed in various point of sale locations if requested.



  1. Include it in your rental gear pricing to offer incentive to the customer / guest considering your business for a dive.
  2. Offer as an optional up sale and add it on to your existing rental gear package pricing at check out.
  3. Direct sell in the diving accessories shelf space, at traditional checkout point-of-sale locations, impulse buy areas, kiosks, etc.

As business operations begin to restore, Snorklean will provide the added value of safety, comfort, and peace of mind for your customers, guests, and/or students. They will scuba dive and snorkel with confidence when using shared or rented equipment, and it will create profit for your company at the same time. Benefits 50 % + profit margin on the product Guest / Customer can self install Snorklean, which reduces employee labor costs Snorklean is reusable for multi-day local dive trips, and especially when traveling abroad. The customizable mouthpiece is a functional memento of a dive destination, resort, cruise, etc. Great for hospitality welcome and/or souvenir bags to make your business stand out.

  • Benefits include a 50 % + profit margin on sales.
  • Guest / Customer can self install Snorklean which reduces employee labor costs.
  • Snorklean is reusable for multi-day local dive trips, and especially when traveling abroad.
  • The customizable mouthpiece is a functional memento of a dive destination, resort, cruise etc.
  • Great for hospitality welcome and souvenir bags to make your business stand out.

* Complete the Registration process to receive Pricing, Dealer Agreement, and a User ID number to begin placing Purchase Orders.

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